City Council Denies 3rd SuperAmerica

In late breaking news from the Monday night meeting of the Hastings City Council, lengthy discussion was heard from nearly every member of the council regarding the letter of intent from SuperAmerica outlining their proposal to purchase a 1/3 acre of property just to the south of Walgreen’s parking lot along Vermillion Street. That parcel would then be combined with property secured through purchasing at least two private homes totaling the land needed to construct a 3rd Hastings SuperAmerica station including a car wash. The September 23rd recommendation from the planning committee was to reject the sale of that property due to current zoning and undervaluing of the property. Council Member Joe Balsanek voiced reaction to the proposal in regards to public perception of the Hastings business climate.

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Others relayed overwhelming negative constituent reaction to yet another gas station along the corridor with Mayor Hicks suggesting a revisit may be necessary to form an updated master vision for the Vermillion Corridor.

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The council deliberated for nearly 40 minutes as a motion was made for the full council to approve rejection of SA’s letter of intent.

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