MnDOT Developing 316 Renovation Plans

Since the public open house meeting this spring explaining the final project scope for Highway 316 adopted by the City Council, MnDOT staff have been working on many final design and project plan preparation steps. According to the City Council newsletter, Molly Kline, project manager for MnDOT, will be stopping in at one of the City Council meetings in September to provide a formal update for the Council. MnDOT will also be scheduling meetings with individual homeowners impacted by the proposed right-of-way changes. Meanwhile, with construction slated for 2021, City staff continues to explore external funding resources that could help close the funding gap. Most recently, staff prepared and submitted a grant application for MnDOT’s Local Partnership Program (LPP) in early June. This application is currently being reviewed by MnDOT. The City is also in the process of working through determining if it would be prudent to submit applications for MnDOT’s Transportation Economic Development (TED) and Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) programs, both due in early September.

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(Photo Source: City of Hastings)

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