District 200 is a network of several buildings and facilities that the residents of the district can use for meetings, performances, workshops and classes. A process is required to inquire about possible use. That process begins with a review of the community Use of School Facilities 2015-2016 form found at hastingscommunityed.com. If your request involves on of the gymnasiums, you must email your form to mobrien@hastings.k12.mn.us. The procedure for all other requests can be found on their website. They will begin accepting facility requests for the 2015-2016 school year on August 1st. The permit request includes use of Hastings Middle and High Schools, all three elementary schools and Tilden Community Center. View availability at hastings.thatscommunityed.com/facilities/calendar. A permit request will be evaluated and notice of approval should be emailed to you in approximately 72 hours.
ISD 200 Facility Requests Begin Aug. 1st
Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2015/07/isd-200-facility-requests-begin-aug-1st/