As the weather vacillated between thunder and lightening and sleet on Wednesday morning a transformation was nearing completion along the Hastings Riverfront. Rakes, plywood, and some stray concrete blocks were being collected and loaded into equipment trailers as the construction company which has worked all summer and fall gathered the last remanent of Riverfront Renaissance Phase 2 so that the results of their work could be realized at last. The orange snow fencing , which had held a curious public at bay for months, was wound around barrels allowing pedestrians to venture along the new sidewalks and right up to the supporting columns of the grand pavilion. Granted, not everything is in it’s final stage. The city reminds visitors to stay clear of saturated landscaping which has seen a record amount of moisture already sending some soil flowing over it’s boundaries in many locations. There is only so much that can be done, with conditions too severe to place earth stabilizing elements in until spring. It will be much better after a good hard freeze, said one of the final workers about the uneven areas. For now, those who have watched the process , are celebrating the potential this new development may realize as this fine holiday gift is at last unwrapped. You can view the latest photos of the area on the KDWA Facebook and web pages.
Levee Park Reopens
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