Bomb Squad Comes to Hastings Home

BREAKING NEWS- A New Years Day drama played out for families in a South Hastings Apartment building who viewed the evacuation required of several nearby homes near 35th Street West. According to an eyewitness, at least 7 police and sheriff vehicles were seen blocking off the area near the home with multiple fire trucks and ambulances. According to the witness who resides in the apartment building near the scene, the next to arrive was the St. Paul bomb squad and a member of that squad was seen dressed in full protection gear carrying a pole with some type of retrieval mechanism. The officer used that to bring out the bomb and bring it to the receptacle on the squad trailer. A large claw then picked up the item, transferring it into a steel box. The unit then departed without further action. Action continued for approximately 4-5 hours. It is not yet known if anyone was taken into custody or what the charges will be. We thank Kyle Johnson, for his community contribution to this story. Our followup with Hastings Public safety will be featured onair and on our website when completed. Photo courtesy of Kyle Johnson.

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