City Addresses Recreational Damages

A significant amount of wear and tear has been done to the concrete steps and railings near the river side of the Rotary Pavilion. Just under a year old, the wear is created by bikes, skateboards, and scooters who have used the area causing damage to some of the features. There has also been damage to electrical boxes and also to picnic tables. Skate stoppers, a raised speed bump of sorts as well as cleats have been placed on the edges of the concrete and metal structures to prevent further damage. Although the recreational focus is enhanced by the new features along the river, users are reminded to do no harm as they gather in one of the most widely used and highly visible areas of the city. Representatives from the city advise anyone seeing damage or misuse of facilities anywhere in the community to contact the Parks and Recreation Department or if it is an immediate safety issue, dial 911. (photo by City of Hastings)

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