Our earlier newscast featured comments made by District 54B Representative Tony Jurgens on possible legislative action that would find a resolution to the current stalemate of the Counties Transit Improvement Board. CTIB is comprised of five metro counties,all of which have determined that the working model, the funding of a metro mass transit infrastructure, no longer works. Four of the five counties want to divide the current funding amongst themselves and disband. Dakota County, however, made the decision to leave 2 years ago, and disagrees with the split percentage should they disolve. All counties must agree to end the arrangement before July 1st, or the quarter percent tax continues to be collected for another 90 days. Dakota County Commissioner Mike Slavik says the current cut suggested by the lawmakers, is much closer to their target than what was offered by the other counties.
Slavik also states, the board may choose to act before it comes to a decision made by those legislators.
He acknowledges that the trajectory of this issue may change quickly so please stay tuned.