As we reported last week, the fight is on in Dakota County and in the City of Hastings to prevent Emerald Ash Borer from causing the death of Ash trees that populate many areas of the city. Like the Dutch Elm disease of the 1970’s and 80’s, concern is real and centers on an irredescent green beetle which burrows into healthy ash trees and cause the destruction of these towering specimens. The Hastings City Forester, Paul Mahoney along with staff, inventoried 500 Ash that will receive treatment via a chemical infusion treatment. The City Council also asks residents with trees on private property to invest in saving these trees. An arragement has been reached with Rainbow Treecare to secure competitive pricing for residents who wish to have that company treat their trees. A competitive cost of $6.75 per diameter inch has been listed as the maximum cost for their services which is measured approximately 42″ from the ground. The company has a 13 year record of treating for EAB protection and will also be responsible for collecting data on trees treated for records to be kept by the city. A one year contract will allow the city to reevaluate the success of the program and the association with the company. The contract is not exclusive and residents who wish to use another company are welcome to do so. Residents are also reminded to save receipts and contracts from any treatment done on their trees to provide proof of action if the tree does not respond and needs to be removed. In cases where tree removal is necessary, and proper maintenance has been conducted, the City will share in the cost of the removal of the diseased or hazardous tree. The cost share is a 60/40 where 60% is property owner and 40% is City, and is limited to only the cost of tree removal. Rainbow Treecare can be found online at or at 952-922-3810. Their website contains a wealth of information regarding EAB treatments and cost comparisons.