Spring Concert Warren Finale

The final high school vocal concert in the 33- year career of Hastings teacher Lin Warren that took place on Wednesday evening, reiterated the popularity of the vocal music program in District 200. The auditorium filled to almost overflowing as the traditional Spring concert featured vocal excellence accompanied by some contemporary selections which were also choreographed by current and former choir members. Those Seniors helping to put motion to the music were Becca Francis, Sara Lund, Teah McGrath, Noah Zak, Elizabeth Bruch-Andersen, Katrina Walt and Carlee Brockman. Former students, family and collegues were also in the audience for the auspicious occasion. One particularly moving and intricately voiced piece came from the Fortissibros and Company ensemble, a group of eight male voices who presented a Warren signature rendition of Nearer My God to Thee. Just before the grand finale?, where all choirs filled the stage, spilling out onto the wings and onto the stairs, Warren provided a few parting words.

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Members of the Select Chorale accompanied by the graduating seniors will perform once more at graduation ceremonies that take place Friday, June 9th.
Photo courtesy of Kari McCord

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