Human Trafficking Crackdown

According to information provided by the Washington County Attorney, a press conference will take place on Thursday, September 28th at the Washington County Government center in Stillwater. That office and law enforcement representatives will anounce a partnership with Washington County Public Health and Environment to Speak Up for the Victims of Sex Trafficking. The event, slated to start at 10 a.m. is intended to expand training and awareness for our hotel/motel partners centered on identification and response to victims of human trafficking. As part of this training, a campaign ?Speak up? was developed to bring greater attention and support to identifying the victims of human trafficking. Only when a victim is identified can they be helped. The ?Speak up, they can?t, Speak up, you can? campaign focuses on the victim who likely is unable to make certain decisions due to a variety of reasons and immense demand for these victims that exists.   The ?three-phased? training is centered on those in the hotel/motel industry and what they can and should do when encountering a potential victim or trafficking customer. Members from Washington County Human Trafficking Task Force will share statistics and case updates related to victim recovery, arrest and prosecution of traffickers and those that solicit for sex from the last two years of work in this area.

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