Additional facts have been added to a story KDWA continues to examine, this time from the immediate family of Prescott Police Chief Gary Krutke. On Monday, the brother and mother of the late chief contacted KDWA with their plea for justice and honor for their brother and son, something they believe can not happen unless the right people step up and help them. Brother Greg and mother JoAnn, both residents of Waycross, Georgia, believe unethical actions have been taken to prevent the will of the late chief from being honored. According to a statement received by phone, a signed will dated in May ,just one day before the Chief underwent Cancer surgery was viewed by the family to be a legal document.The Chief traveled to his family home in Georgia on July 7th, to celebrate his mother’s birthday, at which time he told them if he should not survive,the will was in the possession of his Wisconsin attorney, Phil Helgeson and that they should contact him. Following Gary’s death on August 5th, they met with Mr. Helgeson, also the current attorney for the city of Prescott and viewed the paper copy of the will signed by Gary and and also witnessed. That witness is willing, says the family, to testify on the validity of the document. Helgeson initially agreed to represent them, citing that he knew what Gary’s wishes were, including items that were to be given to the mother and brother as well as his son, who currently lives in Prescott. The family in Georgia was also told the cost to retain Helgeson’s services. The family contacted Helgeson in September at which time he cited a conflict of interest. In October, KDWA also contacted Helgeson for a statement on the conflict involved with the family, to which he provided no comment. The family, then contacted a former Assistant District Attorney for Pierce county, Rory OSullivan, who is now in private practice in River Falls. He agreed to represent them on October 5th and a $2,000 retainer was provided. Three weeks later, he also called the family, stating he was now unable to continue representation,and suggested they not throw good money after bad in attorney’s fees pursuing what might be a futile venture. OSullivan did ,however,return a part of the retainer to the family who live on fixed incomes and lack funds necessary to make multiple trips to Wisconsin to search out someone else who could help them. They told KDWA they are saddened that a community who seemed to revere, respect and praise Chief Krutke at the funeral they also attended, would allow those closest to him to be treated this way. Both hope that someone might step forward before the courts rule on the probate and their voice is silenced.