Changes In Store for Tilden Center

Changes are coming to the Tilden Community Center, that according to Senior Center Program Coordinator, Laurie Thrush. Beginning in September, it’s time for back to school and the Early Childhood program will begin offering a full-day program that includes before and after school child care for Pre-Kindergarten age students. Room 123 has been designated for use by that class and the quilting class, smart driver and tax assistance sessions have been moved to room 108. Additional electrical upgrades will be made to 108 to accomodate those needs.
There will also be locked doors leading to the pre-school room for additional security. Parents will drop off and pick up students at those doors at various times during the day. Thrush says that the accomodations are in the process of being made and some classes that have been offered in the past may have a new room number assigned to it. She asks visitors to check the board when they enter the building to determine the location of their program or class. Thrush notes that the facility truly serves the entire community and she welcomes any questions about the changes that will make the new arrangement work for all.

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