A workshop for the Hastings City Council that was held before their regular council meeting on October 15th concentrated on a presentation of the Dakota County Eastern Transit Study.Also attending were members of staff including Public Works Director Nick Egger, Community Development Director John Hinzman and Dakota County Commissioner Mike Slavik. Some information was provided by the speaker, Joe Morneau, which covered the need and purpose for the study, project involvement and guidance, tasks, recommendations ,schedule and how it might impact Hastings.
The council then discussed the roles of Metro Mobility and Transit Link, the link to the east and west study, the proposed costs Transit Taxing District to be involved, how other communities have benefitted and the concen that the study did not involve infrastructure. Consideration of transportation needs for connecting to outer ring resources for employment, education and recreational purposes was also discussed. It is expected to receive more attention with followups in the near future.