City Updates Flood Results Mar 26

We continue with impact from river flooding as noted on Tuesday by City Of Hastings departments. Noting a measurement of 17.6 taken mid day on Tuesday, March 26th, impact to city roads and residents have been recorded as well as changes to access in area parks. In Levee park, The Veterans Memorial has a couple feet of water over the base of the monument with the lowest sections of riverfront trail behind the Rotary Pavilion also under water. The Square overlook to the east of the stairsteps leading down to the river’s edge has water halfway up to the top of the picnic tables and benches which are secured to the cement. On Tuesday afternoon, the black iron railings were still visible Decorative light poles in Levee Park were removed in anticipation of being flooded and power to anything vulnerable within Levee Park has been turned off including lights in and along the riverfront trail through Jaycee and River Flats parks, and to all power meters and outlets in those areas. On the west side of the river, the boat launch north of Jaycee park is completely flooded and levels are rising on parking lot surfaces in the lowest areas adjacent to Lake Rebecca Park. The banks of the river on that side are nearly equal to the top of the rip rap and the pedestrian access ramp on the eastern edge in nearly submerged. The crest has not been declared, but the National Weather service shows a trajectory of the river’s rising to 19.6 by April 2nd or 3rd depending on additional precipitation that could add to the totals.   

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