Hastings Youth Global Conference

A recap of a recent Youth in Government trip came from Hastings YMCA representative Amy Rowan on Monday who reported that a six person delegation from Hastings made the trip this year to the model United Nations conference held in Minneapolis March 28-30th. The Hastings delegation included six 8th-11th graders from Hastings schools.
The goal is to create a simulation in which students, representing UN member states, meet to find solutions to common problems.The students worked together to research the countries of Panama and Guinea, then sat in on committees that discussed topics, representing those countries, then considering what they know about that country,were asked to respond how a person from that country might react to Child Labor Laws or Cyber Security Threats.
Rowan said that response will likely be very different from the experience they bring as a teen in America. The students learn how to interact with the peers, while using the Ys core values of respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring. The students that participated were Will ,Evan and Simon from grade 11, Molly from grade 10, Kira, grade 9 and Adam from grade 8. The Youth in Governement State experience took place in January. Find out more about YIG at the Hastings YMCA. Photo supplied by YIG.

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