Firehall Field Decisions

The May 6th meeting of the Prescott Planning Commission was called to order by Mayor Dave Hovel. Commissioners present were Steve Eggers , Connie Wenzel, Rob Daugherty, Kyle Warp, Lother Nawrocki and Dan Finley with Todd Dolan excused. City Administrator Jayne Brand represented staff. A motion was made to open the public hearing regarding a request for a special use permit for the School District of Prescott, Crazy about Baseball Company for 265 Flora Street South, currently used as a baseball field. The request including adding improvements, signage, lighting, additional parking and alcohol sales had passed without a negative voice vote. Dallas Eggers, President for Crazy about Baseball (CAB) presented the plans for the baseball field.
Phase One of the project was placing signs on the fence. The wind screen which is normally on the fence has to be replaced every 3 to 4 years at the cost of $10,000 and the advertising signs provides a stable funding source for CAB. The existing scoreboard was no longer operational and needed to be replaced so this was done as part of phase one. The next part of the project,Phase Two, involves putting in a 20 X 30 foot concession stand and replacing the bleachers with a grand stand. There would be room for seating 100 and 80 for standing. Phase Three includes upgrading stadium lights on the field and in the bathrooms. Dallas told the Commission that CAB will not borrow any money so if funds can’t be raised then the next phases will not happen.

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