Regina Senior Living Uses VR To Help Residents

Benedictine Health System has begun a new therapy regimen for residents of Regina Senior Living that suffer from dementia. The new therapy involves using virtual reality to help patients, and there is no medication involved. According to a report by Rivertowns Media, the senior care organization began working with California-based company MyndVR. Along with Regina Senior Living in Hastings, BHS decided to try out MyndVR at Madonna Meadows in Rochester. MyndVR aims to provide therapy and comfort for the aging population through virtual reality. The content that MyndVR creates is aimed at an experience that is calming and enjoyable for aging adults. Currently, at Regina Senior Living, residents suffering from dementia are utilizing the virtual reality therapy. Recent studies have shown that virtual reality can help reduce anxiety in those suffering with the disease, according to Dr. Neal Buddensiek, BHS chief medical officer and Regina Senior Living medical director. There are currently four headsets at Regina.

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