Spiral Foods Announces Board Election

The Spiral Natural Foods Coop has opened a candidacy filing period for seats on the Board of Directors. There are five open seats on Spiral’s seven-member Board for this year’s upcoming election, and a press release indicates that, so far, three Co-op Owners have applied for candidacy. The GM and Board have been busily working to prepare the Co-op for future growth and expansion, and working hard to develop a sound plan of action. Spiral Co-op Board President Lynn Gannon states that the Board needs smart, dedicated, hard-working, enthusiastic Owners to step-up to bring these exciting plans to fruition. Candidates must apply to run in the Board election by August 15th. Applications are available at Spiral Foods.

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Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2019/08/spiral-foods-announces-board-election/