SEAS Releases Mass Schedule

After careful consideration of available information, leadership of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church have announced that, on Sunday, June 7, SEAS will begin the celebration of public Masses with a physically distant and limited congregation. Masses will begin with the 8 AM Mass and will continue according to a revised schedule. According to information released by the church, weekend liturgy schedule will remain the same, Saturday at 4:30 PM., Sunday at 8 AM, 10 AM, and 6 PM. The schedule for weekday Masses will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8 AM. On Tuesday and Thursday, Mass will be at 5:15 PM. Officials of the church also stated that the resumption of the public celebration of Mass is not a return to normal. Those attending will be tallied and seated by a new ministry called Porters. Seating will be available in the sanctuary and in Mother Seton Hall, where it will be broadcast with video and sound. At each Mass, only 250 people will be allowed in the sanctuary and 100 in Seton Hall. When they reach the limit, no additional parishioners will be able to attend that particular Mass and unfortunately, for the time being, must be turned away. Stay up to date by visiting

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