County To Consider Suspending PropertyTax Penalties

The Dakota County Board of Commissioners will hold a special meeting at 9 AM on September 15th to consider Approval of the abatement of penalties on delinquent second half 2020 Property Taxes until November 16th. According to the meeting agenda, many taxpayers in Dakota County have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, which may affect their ability to pay property taxes timely. The county collects property taxes on behalf of all taxing districts in its boundaries and distributes the taxes following collection. County staff requests that the Board authorize an automatic abatement of penalty on the second half October 15, 2020 property tax payments for qualifying properties through November 16, 2020. Qualifying taxpayers include all properties except taxpayers who escrow their property tax payment through a mortgage or escrow service, and taxpayers whose properties are classified as utility, railroad, machinery and transmission lines. Agricultural properties have a November 15 due date by statute.

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