The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is accepting comments through Nov. 12 on an environmental assessment worksheet for a proposed project to construct a protective island on the Mississippi River. The island would be located upstream of Lock and Dam Pool 2 just upstream of Hastings. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to protect the Lock and Dam 2 embankment from erosion by constructing an offshore protective island. The island would result in a variety of unique habitat types that are not now present in the project area. Some of these habitat types include forest, brush/grassland, beach, fish overwintering areas and emergent wetlands. The island would be constructed with sediment dredged from the Mississippi River. Copies of the EAW are available on the project page. A link to the project page is provided here. Additional copies may be requested by calling 651-259-5694. The EAW is available for public review at Pleasant Hill Library, 1490 S. Frontage Road, in Hastings.
(Proposed Island Location./ Photo Courtesy USACE)