Hastings First Responders Celebrate Anniversaries

The City of Hastings extends congratulations to both interim Fire Chief John Townsend, and Police Chief Bryan Schafer as they celebrate anniversaries of employment with the City. Interim Chief Townsend celebrates 13 years of service to the City, and Chief Schafer celebrates his 7-year anniversary. Townsend has a total of over 20 years in firefighting, starting as a paid-on-call firefighter in Hastings in 2005. Schafer’s career spans 30 years, including 23 with the Minneapolis Police Department. Both men are praised by City Administration for their high levels of professionalism and dedication to their positions and the City. Other notable anniversaries include Fire Captain Chris Paulson, 17 years, Firefighters Adam Harklerode and Renier Steenkamp, both at 3 years, and HPD Records clerk Brenda McGrath at 20 years, and officer Daniel Vomastek at 2 years. HPD also welcomed two new officers, Peyton Walser, and Matt Harrity.

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