PCSO Personnel Commended

The Pierce County Sheriff’s Office recently commended Sgt. Cole Clements and Deputy Brette McMahon for their life saving efforts while on routine patrol. According to the commendation, Cole and McMahon were teamed up on a training patrol when they came across an unoccupied vehicle parked near a boat landing at 3 AM on a frigid morning. They located keys and personal belongings in plain view of the unlocked vehicle, and during their investigation of the vicinity, they found a man who had been in the water and was barely conscious. They called for an ambulance and the man was transported to the hospital. It was determined that the man was having a reaction to a medication. Sheriff Nancy Hove stated that without the diligence of these two officers to see things through, this man could have frozen to death.   

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(McMahon and Cole Photo Source: PCSO)

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