316 Project Moves To Phase 1B

In Highway 316 News, MnDOT is nearing completion of Phase 1A of the project, having installed the compact roundabout at Tuttle Drive, and placing curbs and the first layer of pavement between Malcolm Avenue and Tuttle Drive. MnDOT expects to transition to Phase 1B (south of Tuttle Drive) at the end of July. To help get ahead on future phases of the project, the underground utility subcontractor has been working in select locations along the Highway north of Phase 1A, making reconfigurations to some of the City’s water and sewer infrastructure at Tiffany Drive, 33rd Street, and along the boulevards in some spots. Beginning at 6 AM on July 27th, crews will shift the completely closed area of Hwy 316 to between Tuttle Dr. and Michael Ave. Hwy 316 is still closed to through traffic, requiring temporary detours during construction. For motorists using Tuttle Dr., use the new Tuttle Dr. intersection roundabout to and from the north junction of Hwy 61. For east side traffic, the temporary bypass for access to and from the south on Hwy 316 will be removed. Please visit MnDOT’s Highway 316 project website for further information and to sign up for email updates.

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(Photo Source: City of Hastings)

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