RTD Medallion Clues Explained

The Rivertown Days Medallion Hunt was completed on Thursday morning when the Beaudet Family found the Medallion in Tierney Park. As is the custom, Edina Realty has published the answers for each of the clues used in this year’s hunt. According to the information, Clue 1 was fairly straightforward, saying there was no digging or climbing necessary to find the Medallion. It was on public land within the city limits. Clue 2 referred to the Tesla car and Tesla the band, and the cover of the song “Signs”, by 5 Man Electrical Band. The phrase “on so many ‘levels’ in Clue 3 used a synonym, as “levels” is another word for “tiers”, as in Tierney Park. The phrase “Pleasant day” in Clue 4 refers to the Medallion being in the vicinity of Pleasant Drive. And, in Clue 5, “Northeast of a place of which the old name ended in face” meant St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, which used to be Saint Boniface. Two additional clues were ready but unused for the contest. Grandparents of the Beaudet family, Steve and Jane Jorgensen, had also found the medallion in 1983.

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