The Hastings City Council approved an ordinance amendment that adjusted various City fees, including utility fees at its Dec. 20 meeting. City fees are adjusted annually, based on several factors. The fees will take effect with the January 2022 billing. Utility rate fees will increase as follows. Water rates will increase 4.5 percent, which will help fund infrastructure improvements, water tower painting and well #9 elevated storage projects. Sewer rates will increase 1 percent, which will keep the fund in line with inflationary increases to expenditures, and assist with funding the infrastructure improvements and capital asset purchases in the coming years. The Storm Water Fund fees will increase 4 percent. The Fund’s future capital projects are driving this proposed increase. Each utility’s rate increase equals what was implemented for 2021. Residents can control their utility bill by conserving water. Less usage may allow them to stay in a lower-cost tier. Read more about the fees in the approved fees ordinance.