316 Lane Closure Starts Sept. 6

Mn DOT continues to perform finish work on the Highway 316 project in Hastings, and has reported that Northbound Hwy 316 will be closed between 33rd St. and Hwy 61 beginning at 7 a.m. Tue, Sept. 6 for approximately one month. If you live or work in the area you should follow the signed detour using 33rd St. and Hwy 61 to access southbound Hwy 316. If you are traveling through the area, stay on Hwy 61 to southbound Hwy 316. According to DOT, during the month-long closure motorists can expect curb and median adjustments at the Spiral Blvd. and 31st St. intersections to improve traffic flow, ditch and drainage improvements to alleviate the standing water south of the Tuttle Dr. intersection, pavement markings, particularly for areas in the northern portion of the corridor, and other miscellaneous items for the contractor to complete before final acceptance of the project. Temporary lane closures with local detours are expected, but not the long-term closures experienced in 2021.

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