Hastings Schoolboard Reveals Organizational Structure For 2025

The Hastings School Board has revealed its organizational structure for 2025. The annual organizational meeting takes place on the first Monday in January where officers are elected, committees are formed, the calendar is established and a range of key decisions are finalized.

2025’s officers are:
Chair: Carrie Tate

Vice Chair: Jessica Dressely

Clerk: Melissa Millner

Treasurer: Mark Zuzek

2025 Committees and Liaisons:

    Finance, Facilities and Joint Powers Committee: Mark Zuzek, Carrie Tate, and Melissa Millner

    Community Collaboration Committee: Jenny Wiederholt-Pine, Matt Bruns, and Phil Biermaier

    Policy Committee: Jessica Dressely, Carrie Tate and Mark Zuzek

    Student Board Member Committee: Matt Bruns, Melissa Millner and Jessica Dressely

    ISD917 Representative: Mark Zuzek (3 year term)

    Relicensure Committee Representative: Phil Biermaier

    MSHSL Representative: Jenny Wiederholt-Pine

    AMSD Liaison: Matt Bruns

    Brightworks Liaison: Jessica Dressely

    Native American Parent Advisory Committee (NAPAC) Liaison: Matt Bruns

The school board is also holding its community collaboration event, sey from February 19 at 6 p.m. in the high school lecture hall. Topics will be revealed in the future.


Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2025/01/hastings-schoolboard-reveals-organizational-structure-for-2025/