Hastings Council Suspends Activities

At a special Hastings City Council meeting on Thursday, City Administrator Dan Wietecha asked the City Council to cancel all City sponsored activities and all activities taking place at City facilities through May 31, 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. During deliberations the Council discussed why May 31 was chosen, following the Governor’s orders for school dates, and the staff’s desire to be clear events may be re-scheduled as soon as practical. The Council also discussed the plan for outside playgrounds, and the need for clarification on the executive order regarding playgrounds, and the possibility of investing in fences to close playgrounds if necessary. Councilmember Balsanek made a motion to cancel all City sponsored activities and events occurring at City facilities until such time there is a Governor’s executive order that would be appropriate to opening all City activities and events with the stipulation that the Parks & Recreation Department would be sensitive to preparing for such an executive order. The motion passed unanimously.

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Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2020/03/hastings-council-suspends-activities/