Hastings City Council Looks at Pay Increases

During the Hastings City Council meeting on Monday, October 6th, two of the consent agenda items approved were the 2014-2016 labor agreement with the Law Enforcement Labor Services and financial compensation for the Mayor and City Council memebers for the 2015 budget.   Starting in 2015 the Law Enforcement Labor Services will receive a 2% pay increase plus 35-cents for that year and the next. Effective January 5th, 2015, as part of the 2015 budget, the Mayor will recieve an 11% compensation increase, and the Council Members will receive a 17% compensation increase. The last time the Compenstation rates were adjusted for the Mayor and Council Members was in 2000. There will be a Public Hearing on Monday, October 20th, concerning the increase of the Mayor’s and Council Member’s salaries.

Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2014/10/hastings-city-council-looks-at-pay-increases/