Hastings Police Dept. Update

Conditional job offers have been made to Luke Erickson of Rosemount and Geoffrey Latch of Maple Grove to be the newest Hastings Police Officers. Anticipated starting date for the officers is July 6th, with an official swearing in ceremony at the July 20th City Council meeting. Officer Mike Schmitz and K-9 Ozzy finished 2nd Place in the Apprehension Category of the MN State K-9 Trials in Cloquet, MN. They competed against 76 other K-9 Units from throughout the state. Officer Kyle Linscheid has been selected as the newest Team Leader of the Dakota County Drug Task Force, Kyle has been with the department since 2008 and his assignment came after high recommendations by both his supervisors and peers. There has been a spike in theft from motor vehicles throughout the city the past two weeks, a common trend as summer begins. Officer Paul Young was called to investigate a theft from vehicle at about 6:30am on Wednesday, June 17th and located the suspects a short time later along with the items taken. During the investigation, officers also located additional property from some of the other recent thefts. Calls for comment to the Hastings Police Department could not be returned in time for the news deadline.

Permanent link to this article: https://kdwa.com/2015/06/hastings-police-dept-update/