The Regular meeting of the RavennaTownship board was held on Thursday, February 11th with all supervisors in attendance including Mike Waxon, Carl Reuter, Brian Riches and Caroline Spurgeon. Several topics were discussed including new business of the upcoming Township elections that will be held on March 8th. Polls will open at 10AM and close at 8PM. Supervisior Michael Waxon is up for re-election. A special election will be held to fill a 2 year vacancy and election of the town clerk treasurer position is also on the ballot. Another topic on the agenda was a proposed increase in the budget levy for 2017 that would result in a 1% uptick in the current budget.The proposed increase would see the Township budget rise from approximately 483 thousand to 499 thousand dollars.This proposal will be considered and have action later in the year. The annual audit was held on January 18th. The results of that audit have not yet been made public. In communications news there will be a disaster training scheduled for Wednesday, March 2nd and a Dakota County Township Officers meeting held on Saturday, March 19th at 9am in the Empire Public Works building. The next meeting for the board will be the Annual meeting and follow the elections and will move to 8:30 pm in keeping with state regulations on public meetings scheduled during voting hours.
Ravenna Township Meeting Recap
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