Saturday Standoff Settled

A call early Saturday Afternoon from Hastings Police Chief Bryan Schafer, requested that KDWA inform listeners of a situation requiring street closure and some tense hours for neighbors at the intersection of Hwy 46 and Pine Street. KDWA then went on the air live to tell travelers, neighbors and visitors arriving for the Cruise In, that a safety concern was taking place, nessessitating the call for SWAT personnel, emergency reserves and even a drone. From just before noon, until nearly 5PM, several blocks near an apartment complex in the 2300 block of Pine Street was closed off awaiting contact with a person, who an eyewitness confirmed was locked in one of the apartments. Later in the afternoon, a neighbor confirmed to KDWA that an adult female exited the building and left the scene. Law enforcement continued to wait on the exterior, at times using a bullhorn to ask that the subject come out. At approximately 4:50 pm, an adult male exited the building and was taken into custod by the Hastings Police Department. Shortly, thereafter, blocades were removed from the streets allowing access to homes in a 4 block area once again. The name of the male was not released by the police and there is no indication whether or not charges will be filed. Drone Photo supplied by Bruce Karnick, used with permission.

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