Jensen Named New Nat Guard AG

The Minnesota National Guard installed its 31st Adjutant General in a ceremony on November 4th at the Minnesota National Guard Armory In St. Paul. Governor Mark Dayton administered the Oath of Office to Major General Jon Jensen, the former commanding general of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division in Rosemount. As the leader of Minnesota National Guard, Jensen will be in charge of more than 13,000 soldiers and airmen who live and work throughout the state. Jensen said he is humbled to lead a force of dedicated and talented soldiers and airmen. He also started that he is excited to lead the organization into the future as leadership continues to ensure the Minnesota National Guard is prepared to respond to its communities and state during times of disaster and serve our nation during times of conflict. Jensen lives in Apple Valley with his wife Cindy. Their three children and other family members were present to celebrate during the ceremony.

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