Dakota County has announced that Cochran Shelter will remain open through May 31, 2018. This will ensure stable shelter capacity in Dakota County through the winter months and provide time to plan for replacement shelter elsewhere starting this coming summer. Cochran has 32 beds for single men in Hastings. Contact Cochran directly to access these beds. They can be reached at 651-437-4585. A press release from the County also stated that Matrix Emergency Shelter, a new shelter service in Dakota County for single adults, both men and women, ages 18 and up, who are connected to Dakota County is also in operation. Matrix is an overnight-only shelter and rotates to churches throughout Dakota County. The shelter will be available through March 31, 2018 and has capacity to serve 50 adults. To be screened for a bed, please call 651-319-2153 and to access more information, including volunteer opportunities, donation needs and the current church schedule, please visit the Matrix website, at matrixhousingservices.org.