The July 18th meeting of the Prescott Police Commission was attended by Commission Chair Bill Pryor, Cheri Johnson, Neil Riley and Mark Pierce. Also involved in the first portion of the meeting was the Prescott City Attorney, Phillip Helgeson. According to the agenda topic, provided to explain the closed door session, Helgeson was to speak to the commission about an issue with the Police union that will likely require litigation. As in previous meetings of this description, there were no comments on the matter discussed, specific officers or situations involved, what the cost impact of the litigation may be or when the issue may be resolved. We asked Chair Pryor at the conclusion of the 90 minute meeting, if a public revelation would be forthcoming. His response was that information was expected soon but did not elaborate. During the July 5th commission meeting 5 current officers appeared before the commission. Following that meeting the city announced that Doug Ducklow would begin serving as Interim Chief on August 1st
Police Commission Discusses Litigation
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