Park Party For People and Pooches

On Thursday evening a gathering at the Rivertown Dog Park brought nearly 50 guests to the local venue where several vendors handed out treats for 2 and four legged visitors. Organized by the Parks and Recreation department the Paws in the Park event gives residents and their furry companions an opportunity to connect with services such as grooming and boarding facilities, pet food suppliers and veteraniarian options located in and around Hastings. The event, which was shortened by a cold rain, managed to last until after the costume contest, which was won by a longhaired chihuahua named Mingo Wallace. He and other contestants sported a variety of creative canine creations with dinosaurers, crocodiles, ladybugs and even a english mastiff in a fuzzy lion’s mane. A representative from Hastings Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Tony Cologgi, offered some practical advice regarding pets especially as cold weather makes a return.

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A representative from Chuck and Don’s comments on the need to give pets good nutrition.

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This is the 2nd annual event, highlighting the popular facility that provides off leash exercise space for local residents and visitors.

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