Planning Commission To Recommend GRL Summary

The Monday, December 10th meeting of the Hastings Planning Commission took place with one main topic provided to the commissioners, that being the summary of Landscape and Photometric Plans for the Great River Landing project, the former site of the Hudson Manufacturing building. Community Development Director John Hinzman provided a review that involved the changes requested to the site plan, parking, lighting and removal of several mature trees along the riverfront trail. The request for removal of between 10 and 12 trees was to widen the path along that portion of the riverfront increasing the width from 6 feet wide to 8 feet. That move would displace the trees to accomplish and they would be removed.
Commissioners Barse, Martin, Siebenaler and Alpaugh had comments that questioned the need to remove trees from a tract designated as a park. Chair Jeff Deaver then asked for a vote to approve the current plan. The vote was 4-2 with Martin and Siebenaler dissenting. The decision will next go to the Hastings City Council as a recommendation requiring a majority vote to approve.
I spoke with Commissioner Siebenaler following the vote.

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Commissioner Siebenaler discusses her expanded concern for another area along the river coming up in our next newscast.

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