Dakota County will participate in a warrant resolution event that will be held from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 1st at Washington Technology Magnet School, 1495 Rice St., in St. Paul. The event will offer individuals with outstanding warrants an opportunity to resolve them without fear of arrest. Participants will be able to meet with a defense attorney, prosecutor and judge and schedule a court date if a case cannot be resolved at the event. Misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor and probation violation warrants are eligible for resolution. Warrants can be from anywhere in Minnesota.
At any given time, there are about 5,000 outstanding warrants issued in Dakota County. Eighty warrants were cleared at a similar event held last year in Dakota County.The event is a collaboration of Dakota County, other Twin Cities-area counties and local governments and community organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union. Organizers said it is important for people with a warrant to address the situation right away or risk being arrested or detained.
Angela Lockhart, Dakota County?s integrated service delivery coordinator, said the event helps people avoid a potential revolving door in the criminal justice system. Some people with warrants have missed court dates due to work responsibilities, lack of child care or unreliable transportation. Spanish and Hmong interpreters will be available. This is a free, child-friendly event. Lunch, refreshments, community resources and a children?s play area will be offered by participating community partners For more information, visit www.aclu-mn.org/en/warrantday.