Although much more time was spent at the Prescott City Council meeting on the re-issuance of the special use permit for the Borner Farm, another topic also received several comments that proceeded a decision made on the remaining Class B Liquor license that is owned by the city. This license is for intoxicating liquors and is generally known as a full liquor license. These licenses are distributed by population and only one remains in the city. Three local businesses have applied for it and the license committee brought the issue before the full council to determine if it would be awarded to one of the three or contine to be retained for a large property such as a resort or hotel. Owners representing the Prescott Roadhouse, the Port of St. Croix and St. Croix Liquors all spoke briefly to restate their desire to take on the license for the growth of their individual businesses. It was explained by City Administrator Jayne Brand that some variables include the fact that two adjacent townships each hold a license they are not using. It Oak Grove or Clifton Township chose to part with a license, the transfer fee would be at least $10,000. Neither has given an indication they wish to sell them.
If the city were to be designated as a Premiere resort tax community, which is done by petitioning the state, a license could be purchased for a one time fee of $30,000. Alderperson Galen Seipel,who is the chair of the license committee, stated that none of the applicants have addressed parking issues that expanding their business would create, nor did the council consider the riverfront development still in the beginning stages. Seipel believes that a walking trail, expanded development and other plans could finally cause a hotel or resort to choose to locate a large business in Prescott and the license could be the deal maker or breaker.
Seipel then suggested that the license not be issued and that the city waits to see if the 2020 census could determine that population has risen by the 500 residents needed to qualify for another Class B license. The numbers from the 2020 census will not be revealed until March, 2021. The vote was then taken recommending that the city retains the license. Alderpersons Daugherty and Ruona voted Nay, the majority, however voted yes. The city retains the license.