A social media rollout of local news came on Monday as the Hastings Area Rotary Club and United Heroes League officially announced that the internationally known group CHICAGO, will be the headliner this year for their RivertownLive Fundraiser Concert for a Cause. Shane Hudella, spokesperson for UHL, confirmed that the September 6th concert will be a fundraiser for his Hastings-based charity which assists families of all branches of the military by providing free sports equipment, free camps, financial grants to pay for registration fees and pro sports tickets so the entire military family can enjoy a night out at a game. This is the second year that United Heroes League has been the recipient for the monies raised by the Hastings Area Rotary. President Brian Schommer notes that it will be the biggest concert event in the Southeast metro this summer and they are thrilled to have such an amazing act perform for this benefit. The concert will take place at the Rotary Pavillion in Levee Park and tickets will be available beginning June 17th.