Diversity Effort Adopts New Name

The Hastings Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative is now Hastings THRIVE. According to a newsletter published by the City Council, this partnership between the city, the school district, local non-profit organizations and citizens is working to support continued conversations around the topics of diversity and equity. The main areas of focus are Cultural Competency, Providing Safety and Trust for All, and Bridging Community. A THRIVE presentation is scheduled for September 11 at Pleasant Hill Library from 6:30 – 8 p.m. The featured speaker will be Elizabeth Petersen, founder and president of the South African Faith and Family Institute. Petersen has lived and worked through the discrimination of apartheid in South Africa and the reconciliation that resulted in changing race relations. She tells stories and shares insights about her journey and how her experiences have impacted her work with diverse communities, faith communities, and people struggling with domestic violence. Petersen has worked closely with faith leaders to address social issues that we all face.

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