Prescott Council Meets Tonight

The Prescott City Council meets for regular business on Monday, October 28th, starting at 6:30 PM, at City Hall. Agenda items include the Consent Agenda, containing routine items for action by a single vote. The Finance Committee will present the draft copy of the 2020 budget, resolutions to transfer funds from TIF 3 to TIF 4, and a transfer of funds from the Police Department Budget to the General Budget, a request to purchase a utility trailer, and a moratorium on impact fees. Public works will present a sewer rate increase of 5% to start in 2020, and a stormwater rate increase of $1 per residential unit per quarter, also starting in 2020. Under the heading of Ordinance Committee, the Council will conduct a 2nd reading with the possible waiver of a 3rd reading, and deliberate approval of Ordinance 08-19 for smoking and vaping in public places. The License Committee will present a request from the Prescott Area Chamber of Commerce for a Wine Walk, on November 15th. The Council will then go into a closed session to discuss a proposed redevelopment. Once all of the items on the agenda have been considered, the meeting will adjourn. The next regular meeting of the Prescott City Council will be Monday, November 18th.   

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