County Property Taxes See Decrease

Dakota County Commissioner Joe Atkins has released information stating that continued work on the County’s 2020 budget means the 2.9% property tax increase proposed in September will be reduced. Note that this is for the County portion of property taxes, as local city councils and school boards control a larger portion of the total property tax amount and set their own budgets and tax levies. At the County level, property tax revenues will go toward things like road repairs, snowplowing, public safety and jail expenses, building repairs, addressing homelessness, park and trail maintenance, library operations, and to help keep up with increasing utility and insurance costs. According to a recent Pioneer Press review, proposed property tax rates for Dakota County services in 2020 will be the lowest in the metro area. They will also be the lowest of any of Minnesota’s 87 counties, according to statewide data. Atkins also stated that for 2020, the median value for a home in Dakota County is $280,200, and the average county portion of property taxes on a median-valued home are expected to be $643. The metro average is $945, over $300 more. Note that this is only the county portion and does not include city or school property taxes.

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