ISD 200 To Purge Records

ISD 200 has issued a notice that the District intends to purge records from the archives, and will be destroying student files for students who graduated in 2000. According to the District website, the records to be destroyed include, but are not limited to, documentation contained within the student’s academic record. Minnesota Law requires that the district provide prior written notice of its intent to destroy student records and that each student or resident be given an opportunity to obtain copies of all records to be destroyed. To obtain copies, contact Deanna Werner at, or in writing to ISD #200, Attention Deanna Werner, 1000 West 11th Street, Hastings, MN 55033, by July 15. Please include your name, the name of the student as it would have appeared on the file, your current address, and date of birth. Visit Hastings.K12.MN.US for complete details.

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