KDWA’s very own Mo was recently featured in an issue of The Catholic Spirit for her work with the Sharing and Caring Hands ministry of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church in Hastings. According to the article, Mo states she has always admired the work of Sharing and Caring Hands founder Mary Jo Copeland, and was working full time in Minneapolis and started taking one vacation day a month to volunteer for the ministry there. Mo adds that the ministry in Hastings has continued through a church merge, many different pastors and has adapted to the needs of the poor for over 30 years. The ministry prepares and delivers food for about 350 meals to Sharing and Caring Hands two times per month. They also coordinate and serve the annual Thanksgiving meal and a pie drive prior to Thanksgiving to collect pies to be served on Thanksgiving. While the ministry is the main point of the article, Mo also took time to acknowledge God, her family, and recent health concerns in shaping of her faith and perspective on life. A link to the complete interview is provided here.
(Maureen McNeary, second from left, with her husband, Terry, and children Grace and Jack, plus the family dog, Nugget. COURTESY VICTORIA MCGUIRE, VICTORIA?S V GALLERY)