City Employees Recognized

The City of Hastings recently recognized Kathy Belisle for 15 years of employment with the City. According to the City Hall Update, Kathy began employment with Hastings in August 2006, and her duties include backup to the Office Manager and Receptionist, processing police reports, maintaining case files, disseminating cases and case related evidence to court, city attorney and county attorney for charging, processing gun permit applications, city license background checks, and never-ending stream of data requests. Kathy is a problem solver and recognized for her teamwork. Also celebrating 15 years is Assistant City Engineer John Caven, who is the “utility man” in the engineering department. He truly covers all areas of expertise and is a great resource for history and knowledge. John has the lead on Pavement Management and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Compliance Contract for trails, sidewalks and parking lots.

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