Prescott City Wells Tested

The City of Prescott has responded to concerns raised by residents regarding the level of nitrates in the city water supply, and the recent shutdown of well 3 because of levels of nitrates that exceed state standards. Last week the City of Prescott took four sample tests from around the community to test for nitrates directly from the tap. The test results showed that the four wells tested were all under the 10 mg/L threshold for nitrates, per State of Wisconsin Clean Drinking Water standards. City officials state that if you have specific questions regarding safe drinking standards in the State of Wisconsin, speak with Corey Larson at the DNR at 715-928-1624. If you have other questions, give the City a call at 715-262-5544. City staff look forward to sharing more information regarding Prescott water and developing a permanent solution to the shutdown of well #3 moving forward.

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