A regular meeting of the Prescott City Council was held on Monday, November 8 at 6:00pm in the Prescott Municipal Building. No public comments were given. The approval of the consent agenda was passed, which includes approval of minuets from various meetings from prior months, cash balances, budget year to date, accounts payable, payroll and review of receivables. A Fair Housing Proclamation was passed unanimously, making April Fair Housing Month in the city of Prescott. An agreement with CBS Squared, Inc in an amount not to exceed $15,842 for an Engineering Report regarding Well #3 was approved. Funds will come from the water fund balance. Review of proposed speed restriction changes and implementation along with crosswalk additions from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. An agreement with Hydrocorp, Inc was approved for inspections, customer care service and program administration related to local drinking water quality. The agreement is for two years for an annual cost of $13,800 passed without a negative vote. City Council members Knox and Otwell motioned to approve the Letter of Intent with Select One Properties, LLC who aims to build a sports facility on a 15 acre plot of land, currently owned my the city. The motion passed by a majority vote with Oss and Hintz voting nay. The Veteran Day Proclamation passed without a negative voice vote. Discussion related to the frequency of well testing was discusses. City Administrator Wolf stated the wells are tested quarterly and if there is an issue the DNR will require monthly testing. To view the meeting minuets and the complete meeting notice see the City of Prescott website. November 8, regular City Council Meeting Minutes here. Complete Meeting Notice here.