At the March 14 Prescott City Council meeting CBS Squared Engineering offered remediation options stemming from the Well #3 Engineering Report dated February 24th. Although not finalized, after hearing the various options, the Council voted unanimously that their preferred option is treatment of the well through reverse osmosis. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources must review the report and sign-off on the proposed remediation action before this option can be implemented. Additionally, the City is looking at long term planning for the water system and various options of financially paying for the treatment. The Well #3 Engineering Report was a result of the City receiving a test result exceeding state requirements of 10 mg/L for nitrate levels in Well #3. The City immediately took the Well #3 off-line in September 2021 and has not, and will not, be using the well, unless there is a major fire emergency requiring increased water pressure, until a remediation option is implemented that brings the well back into compliance with Wisconsin DNR safe drinking water standards. The full report can be found on the City Website.